Love is…

I don’t know know #Why and maybe it is wise not to choose… and in not choosing is a choice within itself. There is a deeper clarity revealed… where all possible perspectives present themselves to be observed in the middle… of what seems like a CIRCUMSTANTIAL muddle of emotions… inspired by MAN and reacted to by man itself.

7th February for #ME was a day of observation and responding from the observation… understanding that detachment isn’t PHYSICAL it is PSYCHOLOGICAL!

That there is DIVINE PERFECTION in allowing SILENCE to breathe forth into my actions and reactions. That, when my hands are pre-occupied… my heart is “feeling” and “healing” itself… how powerful.

That a child should be born this day… chosen by Gratitude for #me to experience a spiritual love. That even though I may not be a part of the physical process … the eternal intuit says… “this child is an expansion and extension of #ME” in ways the mother may never understand or the father KNOW YET… this child is ME! That each shower of affection and attention is ME… that I wished to be HIS LIGHT… I have taken form in another body… the love HE showers on her… will be received by ME through the eternal flow of LOVE, LIGHT, ABUNDANCE and GRATITUDE! Like He knows ME not… He knows not YET that the expansion of ME is this little child. That all the love and attention I called upon from him for me… is now complete through this child.

There is a part of #ME now expanded… through silence… every word comes to pass.. in this physical world… there shall be a point of clarity… when every thought I have thought… will find a way… will manifest and now and always… I will #Thank the GOD who created ME for the AweSoMe presence in every thought and every thought forward

Love is many things… many thoughts… many choices … Love is #ME



God, she knew!

My dream is to Coach unlimited people across India to practically invest 25% of their “thoughts” in Gratitude.

Over the past 38 years of being here… I have learned personally, through many portholes of trial and error, that there is a method to the madness that we experience and the choice of how to play out the experience is a gift we can choose to receive or GIVE and what we do choose becomes our path!

The story of the SELF as experienced through the powerful vibration of Gratitude… or what I now Understand is the OBSERVER story… is more powerful than the story we can every write about ourselves… personally… because we see ourselves as a product of being HUMAN… Creation sees us as an evolved version of itself… and that is beautiful!

Here’s the story as I was told about ME… and I FELT for the first time…

“She was born of two very powerful creators, each of who KNEW their role and did the things they were supposed to do… for her to grow into the person she was meant to be”

She didn’t understand the powerful creator she was, she felt like a puppet with strings attached… till one fine day… she needed those strings no more… she knew she was ready… she cut the cords of dependence… she sat in a corner… the story she told herself… “This is it! Its now time to be #ME”

She evolved… without strings… she first chose the HAND of MAN… She allowed herself to evolve with the experiences… choosing one mentor after the other… she allowed herself to experience the life of her dreams… this wasn’t enough… she knew for as long as she chose the HAND OF MAN … she was growing into what each experience meant her to be… she played the roles that were given to her… she felt “all-powerful” felt all achieved… but she was not happy… the way she knew deep within her ME that happiness FELT like… and she chose… a NEW HAND… She chose the HAND OF GOD!

God, she knew… knew her by name… God, she knew created her with a greater purpose. God, she knew was her defender protector and path. God, she knew filled her with happiness, joy and a beautiful story of taking the experience and creating forth from it! God, she knew, had her covered… she just needed to say YES!

…. and SHE DID!


I never thought I would be writing this post… then again… I must have Winking smile. In a world where thoughts become things I am actually glad I chose the “good ones”

2014 was a year of many endings that be-came beginnings, the more I released the more space I had to create and that is a GIFT!

Released OLD relationships… very old “must feel”… the sunset… a friend… for a reason… letting my dreams float into the universe… and from the universe… become things… I have manifested in my life.

For the last few days… I have been thinking about the beautiful “memories” that 2014 gave me… Each month had a story to tell and an experience to “HOLD”… the good ones… helped me grow… the bad ones… helped me KNOW… and both felt equally PRECIOUS!

I still don’t know the path ahead… it keeps unfolding ONE experience at a time… the HAPPINESS is in knowing that there is DIVINE perfection in the way things OPEN UP Winking smile 

Who would believe… that after many years of “Craving” a relationship I would bump into the perfect person for me… and love the very essence of what I felt. I knew in that moment… this is HOW I wanted to feel… and from that CHOICE… came… perspectives… the more I loved how I felt… the more I felt of it. Then came the “test”… OLD PATTERNS… Old Relationships… old contracts… old choices came up… and I allowed myself… the experience… taking one at a time… and knowing that even though they were beautiful… precious… part of me would go back… and choose “HOW I WANTED TO FEEL” over “WHO I CHOSE TO FEEL IT WITH”.

It is interesting… that everyone who walked back… came… felt… I chose… to keep repeating… till I was “guided” to release… to allow myself closures. I walked into 2015 sparkling new… “memories” intact… happiness intact… people detached. Such comfort in understanding that I can choose the EXPERIENCE over the PEOPLE!

So, here’s what I experienced in 2014:

1) Sunsets:  Sunsets are a beautiful time of releasing the day… allow yourself the pleasure of GOODBYES! They are healthy… know that these goodbyes… will create a brand new HELLO!

2) Dress Up and Show UP: the kind of choice you make… when YOU know that there is nothing to lose… an experience to gain…. YOU are aware of your expectations… and you go ahead anywhere… who did imagine that one tiny step… a “cheers to US”… would open me up to a brand new experience! I love the deck, the dreamy lights, endless love and our first kiss. What I do remember… is spontaneously allowing “Friday to speak to me… through… music and people and pure awesomeness”… the kick that I knew it before… I did “…. Imagine the end result” and everything and everyone co-inspired to make it “YES”

3) Miracles are a matter of CHOICE: Choosing to write a new story begins with taking a step… buying the DIYAS was all the action I needed to take… to make “tokens of light” a brilliant event… Open-mouthed smile 

4) Thoughts to become things: if you choose the ones that you do want! The video the article the coverage… getting the energy correct. Abundance is ME. I want the space… with all the décor as a birthday gift. I want to be in Goa on Friday. I want to have better relationships… I want to go to a gurudwara, I want to go to a dargah, I want to go to the Bahai temple. I want to finale the workshop.

5) The universe does co-inspire outcomes… if you choose the OUTCOME over the circumstance… : I got a gift… a phone I wanted. I got a holiday I wanted partly paid for… Imagine… the “to Mumbai” was paid for… and the decision to GO was all I needed for a series of MIRACLES to take place… amazing! The beginning of ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU… a journey that is still unfolding… and it is amazing!

6) Letting go and letting flow: could mean many things… Death can be meaningful… a choice to retain the memory or receive the healing it brings… it is OK to have an emotional outburst… everyone does… for a purpose… it’s a release… from the OLD and the BEGINNING of something KNEW!

Some of the thoughts that became things… created a beautiful story
