Being Mystiic

Life is a gift and every experience we have is a lesson. I learnt that sometimes the greatest barrier in living an exceptional life is holding back what we would like to express, only because we’re going to be asked too many questions 😉

There is a time to” tell it like you know it” and there is a time to “tell it like you feel it” and yes there is a time to “tell it like you know you want to feel it”. This is my space… where I am the whole me I can be.

I am all of 35 … I live a dream life, learning from the knocks on the knees and the spring in my feet. That there is much to learn from almost everyone’s life. We are all connected by an invisible thread… gratitude… that keeps us connected. While I love being the “open book” that people can read from… and be inspired…. and yet the still voice deep within me longs to be the Mystiic I know I am. I run a business that has so much to do with people, each day, new energies, new experiences, social pressures, opinions and trappings of the world can be good enough reason to follow the herd. Yet, I know that isn’t ME… I am a free spririt, enchanted by Life. Learning on the job… and loving it.

I absolutely adore and cherish my private space… where I can choose to be the complete Mystiic… free to express! This part of me I reserve for myself and share with you.

Some thoughts… are just thoughts… and I know that someday, when they find expression… Mystiic will find her solace in this space… leading without title…

No face… Yet a whole person… I am Mystiic and  I am your friend.


25 thoughts on “Being Mystiic

    • Thank you so much… your comment made me smile 🙂 It is a difficult space to try to BE the person you are… without a name and a title. I started blogging as Mystiic, only a month ago… and I have begun to feel a genuine surge of a new inspiration in my own writing. Sometimes, God teaches us to reach within to radiate with the outer world of who we think we are. You are the first one to comment on this post… only a while back…I was struggling… You’ve inspired me… to stay Mystiic. You’re an angel!! Much Gratitude to you

  1. Being an open book and still a mystic… that is quite an achievement. It’s my pleasure to get acquainted with you. Thanks for the follow. Have a great day.

    • Thank you Imelda! It is the challenge really… 🙂 Thank you for the follow back… the Weekly Photo Challenge has been so much fun, I’ve made more friends through it!! God Bless Photography 🙂

      • I am enjoying the challenge too, and meeting new people as well. The people in this group are quite generous with visits and comments. God bless photography indeed. 🙂 Thank God for the beautiful things and people that inspire us.

  2. Hi Mystic, many thanks for the ‘Likes’ on my blog. I love your thoughts here, and I’m also one who loves space, solitude, and time to reflect – even though I have a husband! 🙂

    • Its a blessing to find a partner who you can have that freedom with!! 🙂 I am stilling battling with the romance God’s 😉 ha ha ha… love the romance… not to sure if I can fit it to a garland arrangement… 😉

  3. Mystic, one of the greatest images that i have framed on the walls of my heart is Christ kneeling and washing their feet! He had come to serve us, to know us, to feed us, and love us! You and i have that same deep desire. If no one but a single person is moved by my words will not the heavens break out still in praise. We are blessed with the honor to serve as he, to lift up, to embrace, to touch, to bring a bright light into many lives for what we share is not our own but we follow his path, Gandhis, path, mother Teresa’s path, Martins, path and they all embrace what came each following His path of love and sharing! I once heard a voice doing quiet time when i had grown exccedingly tired of all things especially the job i had helping people to change and get control of their finances. I spoke to God as i was riding home one night and told Him, i was tired of doing good and getting praise for being a good person who helped for i never made much money doing it, needless to say as much as others. I would hear complaints at home because it seemed we never had enough. And yet the next morning a person i did not know called me, my first call of that day! And asked me to come to his house to help him get a loan to fix his home! When i got there he laughed at me and continued laughing at me as he asked me in. I started getting perturbed so i ask why are you laughing at me, and he replied Wendell God said you are an onion! My next question of course was what do you mean God said i am an onion? And he said an onion when by itself most time does not taste the best but when blended with other ingredients it helps to bring out the flavor in the dish…and went on to tell me that God told him to tell me, to never ever tire while doing good! That was my road to Damacus moment like Paul. So i do what i do with pleasure knowing that he knows my heart and that i do it because of his grace and love. We are made that way and we share our talents with the world. I love your heart Mystic and i am always inspired by your words. May God continue to bless you with the strength to carry out your mission of peace, love , and happiness giving and not taking!

    • Bless you Wendell… It is an amazing gift you have… and right now… God spoke to me through you… I am touched… ever so deeply by your beautiful words!!! I am blessed to have you in my life!! (((hugs)))

  4. You know from your first beginning that I would be with you in spirit together supporting your site. Because of our other gift! So remember you are a blessing to my life also! Have a great day!

  5. Hi, thanks so much for following my blog at: Your blog is amazing and so I will follow your blog too. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Betty

  6. Hi Mystic, nice blog. Glad to see you had such a good 2014. This year 2015 I feel will be amazing, and I’m happy to see that you’re still “keeping on, keeping on.”

What was your first thought after reading the post???